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I would highly recommend e.Soft, not only because of their knowledge and skills, but because they have been a true partner.

- Nidia Smith, Operation Manager, Life and Home

*Camensys exclusively carries out all sales, marketing and program management of Camensys-e.Soft 360 Degree Retail solution


Marketing & SEO

Have the largest megaphone in the industry by using Search Engine Optimization, paid and earned Social Network and optimized paid advertisements. Jump to the front of the line of hundreds of merchants selling the same product.

eCommerce Site & Mobile App

Give your customers a consistent shopping experience across various devices by creating a responsive website. Add companion mobile Apps to encourage loyalty and customize your customers location based experiences.

Omnichannel Experience

From web to mobile to customer service to your retail store let your customer and customer services move seamlessly for a consistent shopping experience. 

Marketplace Integration

Reach millions of customers by making your products available through marketplaces like Amazon, Google, eBay and many other niche ones.

Pricing Optimization

Determine the right price of your products which are competing with hundreds of other merchants selling the same and optimize your profit.

Warehouse Automation

Keep your warehouses filled to an optimal level to deliver products to your customers within the stipulated time.

Supply Chain Management

Manage your complete supply-chain from production to customer efficiently to reduce cost, increase availability, maximize profit.

Reduce manual processes, errors, and delays by integrating CRM, ERP, eCommerce, shipping, customer services systems. This is the single move that optimizes the whole retail system to maximize profitability.

Backend Integration

24/7 Customer Service

Provide your customers with world class customer service for order taking, shipping changes, return merchandise processing or just hand holding during the shopping process.

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